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Pediatric Speech & Language Therapy
Call to schedule an evaluation.
We help verify insurance benefits/coverage!
IF and when parents call the insurance company, here are several helpful questions to ask:
1. Does my policy cover Speech & Language services for my child?
2. What specific conditions will the policy cover?
3. What ICD-10 (diagnostic) codes and CPT (treatment) codes are covered for reimbursment?4. Do I need to have a prescription for therapy services?
5. Do I need to have precertification for therapy services?
6. Are there any conditions excluded from coverage?
7. How many sessions will my policy cover?
8. What is my deductible? What is the copay?
9. Do I have out of network coverage?
10. After making out of pocket payments how do we submit for reimbursment?
11. What documentations should I submit for reimbursment?
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